Novelty: Auto Reversible Ventilation Safety Device ARVSD SNAP

ARVSD SNAP: The Auto Reversible Ventilation Safety Device

ARVSD SNAP: The Auto Reversible Ventilation Safety Device

The new ARSVD with a membrane for pressure equalisation as a SNAP variant is now a new addition to the RST product range. ARSVD stands for: Auto Reversible Ventilation Safety Device.


Specially designed for battery systems and Li-ion batteries, the ARVSD combines the advantages of a Ventilation Safety Device (VSD) with those of an Auto Reversible Safety Device (ARSD). With the smallest pressure differences, the diaphragm of the latest member of the safety DAE product line ensures that the internal pressure of the housing is adapted to the ambient pressure. If the pressure is too high, it opens completely, allowing hot gases to escape and preventing a possible explosion of the entire battery housing. It closes again automatically when the pressure decreases.


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